# ssh deployments Deploy code with rsync over ssh. Execute remote scripts before or after rsync NodeJS version is more than a minute `faster` than simple Docker version. This GitHub Action deploys specific directory from `GITHUB_WORKSPACE` to a folder on a server via rsync over ssh, using NodeJS. This action would usually follow a build/test action which leaves deployable code in `GITHUB_WORKSPACE`, eg `dist`; In addition to rsync, this action provides scripts execution on remote host before and/or after rsync. # Configuration Pass configuration with `env` vars ##### 1. `SSH_PRIVATE_KEY` [required] Private key part of an SSH key pair. The public key part should be added to the `authorized_keys` file on the server that receives the deployment. More info for SSH keys: https://www.ssh.com/ssh/public-key-authentication The keys should be generated using the PEM format. You can use this command ``` ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096 ``` ##### 2. `REMOTE_HOST` [required] eg: mydomain.com ##### 3. `REMOTE_USER` [required] eg: myusername ##### 4. `REMOTE_PORT` (optional, default '22') eg: '59184' ##### 5. `ARGS` (optional, default '-rlgoDzvc -i') For any initial/required rsync flags, eg: `-avzr --delete` ##### 6. `SOURCE` (optional, default '') The source directory, path relative to `$GITHUB_WORKSPACE` root, eg: `dist/`. Multiple sources should be separated by space. ##### 7. `TARGET` (optional, default '/home/REMOTE_USER/') The target directory ##### 8. `EXCLUDE` (optional, default '') path to exclude separated by `,`, ie: `/dist/, /node_modules/` ##### 9. `INCLUDE` (optional, default '') path to include separated by `,`, ie: `/dist/, /node_modules/` ##### 10. `SCRIPT_BEFORE` (optional, default '') Script to run on host machine before rsync. Single line or multiline commands. Execution is preformed by storing commands in `.sh` file and executing it via `.bash` over `ssh` If you have issues with `ssh` connection, use this var, eg `SCRIPT_BEFORE: ls`. This will force `known_hosts` update, adding your host via `ssh-keyscan`. ##### 11. `SCRIPT_AFTER` (optional, default '') Script to run on host machine after rsync. Rsync output is stored in `$RSYNC_STDOUT` env variable. ##### 12. `SSH_CMD_ARGS` (optional, default '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no') A list of ssh arguments, they must be prefixed with -o and separated by a comma, for example: -o SomeArgument=no, -o SomeOtherArgument=5 # Usage Use the latest version from Marketplace,eg: ssh-deploy@v2 or use the latest version from a branch, eg: ssh-deploy@main ``` - name: Deploy to Staging server uses: easingthemes/ssh-deploy@main env: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }} ARGS: "-rlgoDzvc -i" SOURCE: "dist/" REMOTE_HOST: ${{ secrets.REMOTE_HOST }} REMOTE_USER: ${{ secrets.REMOTE_USER }} TARGET: ${{ secrets.REMOTE_TARGET }} EXCLUDE: "/dist/, /node_modules/" INCLUDE: "/dist/example.txt" SCRIPT_BEFORE: | whoami ls -al SCRIPT_AFTER: | whoami ls -al echo $RSYNC_STDOUT ``` # Example usage in workflow ``` name: Node CI on: [push] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: '16.x' - name: Install npm dependencies run: npm install - name: Run build task run: npm run build --if-present - name: Deploy to Server uses: easingthemes/ssh-deploy@main env: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }} ARGS: "-rlgoDzvc -i --delete" SOURCE: "dist/" REMOTE_HOST: ${{ secrets.REMOTE_HOST }} REMOTE_USER: ${{ secrets.REMOTE_USER }} TARGET: ${{ secrets.REMOTE_TARGET }} EXCLUDE: "/dist/, /node_modules/" INCLUDE: "/dist/example.txt" ``` ## Issues This is a GitHub Action wrapping `rsync` via `ssh`. Only issues with action functionality can be fixed here. Almost 95% of the issues are related to wrong SSH connection or `rsync` params and permissions. These issues are not related to the action itself. - Check manually your ssh connection from your client before opening a bug report. - Check `rsync` params for your use-case. Default params are not going to be enough wor everyone, it highly depends on your setup. - Check manually your rsync command from your client before opening a bug report. I've added e2e test for this action. Real example is executed on every PR merge to `main`. Check actions tab for example. When opening an issue, please add example of your step with env vars. You can add dummy values. More info for SSH keys: https://www.ssh.com/ssh/public-key-authentication ## Tips - Optional ENV variables are created for simple requirements. For complex use cases, use `ARGS` and `SSH_CMD_ARGS` to fully configure `rsync` with all possible options. - If you need to use multiple steps, eg multi targets deployment, save shared ENV variables in `>> $GITHUB_ENV`. Check .github/workflows/e2e.yml for an example - For multi sources, use -R ARG to manipulate folders structure. - Great post about `rsync` options specific to usage of this action: https://logansnotes.com/2020/gh-action-site-deploy/ ## Disclaimer Check your keys. Check your deployment paths. And use at your own risk.