import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as installer from './installer'; import * as auth from './authutil'; import * as path from 'path'; async function run() { try { // // Version is optional. If supplied, install / use from the tool cache // If not supplied then task is still used to setup proxy, auth, etc... // let version = core.getInput('node-version'); if (!version) { version = core.getInput('version'); } console.log(`version: ${version}`); if (version) { let token = core.getInput('token'); let stable = (core.getInput('stable') || 'true').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE'; await installer.getNode(version, stable, token); } const registryUrl: string = core.getInput('registry-url'); const alwaysAuth: string = core.getInput('always-auth'); if (registryUrl) { auth.configAuthentication(registryUrl, alwaysAuth); } const matchersPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', '.github'); console.log(`##[add-matcher]${path.join(matchersPath, 'tsc.json')}`); console.log( `##[add-matcher]${path.join(matchersPath, 'eslint-stylish.json')}` ); console.log( `##[add-matcher]${path.join(matchersPath, 'eslint-compact.json')}` ); } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message); } } run();