export interface IGitSourceSettings { /** * The location on disk where the repository will be placed */ repositoryPath: string /** * The repository owner */ repositoryOwner: string /** * The repository name */ repositoryName: string /** * The ref to fetch */ ref: string /** * The commit to checkout */ commit: string /** * Indicates whether to clean the repository */ clean: boolean /** * The depth when fetching */ fetchDepth: number /** * Indicates whether to fetch LFS objects */ lfs: boolean /** * Indicates whether to checkout submodules */ submodules: boolean /** * Indicates whether to recursively checkout submodules */ nestedSubmodules: boolean /** * The fetch depth for submodules */ submodulesFetchDepth: number /** * The auth token to use when fetching the repository */ authToken: string /** * The SSH key to configure */ sshKey: string /** * Additional SSH known hosts */ sshKnownHosts: string /** * Indicates whether the server must be a known host */ sshStrict: boolean /** * Indicates whether to persist the credentials on disk to enable scripting authenticated git commands */ persistCredentials: boolean }